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Favorite npm scripts

July 12, 2015

I use npm scripts a lot to automate things. What I need to automate?

  • ES6 handling
  • Testing and coverage
  • Publishing


npm install --save-dev babel isparta mocha coveralls
# or
npm i -D babel isparta mocha coveralls

ES6 handling

Babel to the rescue! Babel is helping me to transpile and test my ES6 code.

  • babel index.js > index.es5.js — regular transpiling
  • some.es6.js --require babel/register — enable ES6 for your code with --requre hook

I use require hook in development, and transpiling for publishing.

Testing and coverage

Test ES6 code and introduce tdd mode:

"test": "mocha --require babel/register",
"tdd": "npm test -- --watch",

Obvious coverage script with coveralls one sending coverage report to coveralls service and precoveralls because coveralls need some reports to be able to send.

"coverage": "isparta cover \_mocha index.js -- --require babel/register",
"precoveralls": "npm run coverage",
"coveralls": "coveralls < coverage/lcov.info",

I prefer pre/post script approach instead of && one, because && is not working on Windows.


As far as I need to publish ES5 code I need transpiling, and I have to do it every time before publishing. Ave prepublish script! After publishing I want to cleanup and push changes (bumped version and tag) to remote repository.

"transpile": "babel index.js > index.es5.js",
"prepublish": "npm run transpile",
"postpublish": "rm \*.es5.js && git push --follow-tags"

Also I need to point to ES5 version in main field in package.json:

"main": "index.es5.js",

Publishing process:

npm version patch && npm publish



npm i -D babel mocha isparta coveralls

Paste in pkg:

"main": "index.es5.js",
"scripts": {
  "test": "mocha --require babel/register",
  "tdd": "npm test -- --watch",
  "coverage": "isparta cover \_mocha index.js -- --require babel/register",
  "precoveralls": "npm run coverage",
  "coveralls": "coveralls < coverage/lcov.info",
  "transpile": "babel index.js > index.es5.js",
  "prepublish": "npm run transpile",
  "postpublish": "rm \*.es5.js && git push --follow-tags"

I’m using these 8 scripts in almost every my projects for last few months. You can do it too.

Just automate it,
your Vladimir Starkov